How does other bloggers post topics into my blog account. And how do you stop those spammers from continuely placing their website baddress into my comments? think of your own advertising and leave my blogs alone...comment on my topics and not just leaving your stupid web address, this is starting to tick me off, to the point of just blocking all comments...;(
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Cat rescue...
You never really realize that you “Feel like” you have it really bad until you become “Homeless”…
I’m not really homeless, I am VERY THANKFUL my boyfriend allows me to stay with him, I know that he really loves me to put up with my lifestyle. Homeless (meaning that you live with someone and your furniture is in storage ?)…I would like it if I would be able to place some of my furniture in his home because I still feel homeless because I don’t have any of my things there. Your home is where you have your pictures on the walls, your own mattress, dishes, and even your dresser to place your clothing. I live out of my suitcase, and my suitcase is in the trunk of my car. I am most cautious when using electricity because I don’t have an income to pay for water, gas, and just power in general. I live day to day in “Chronic Pain.”
Most of my family members feel I am making it up, but I hate mornings, and evenings because my pain never ends. I wish that I could be online more, I was just starting to make money and now, my time online is very limited…
I am sorry for being such a pansy and complaining so much, its not really that way, I am just letting you all know the reason why I have not been online too much lately. I miss all of you and most of all I miss reading all of your blogs and what you all have been up to. Please keep in touch, I may not get back to you, but I read your comments, and only have a certain amount of time online. Thanks so much for reading and stopping by. Later I am going to post a video of my kitties, I have 16, and its been very hard to come up with the money to feed them all. If you want…feel free to donate to the “MY OWN” cat rescue. Thanks again…Internet Lifestyle
